COVID-19 Testing & Swabs

The global pandemic, Covid-19, has had a profound impact on everyone. It has affected everything from economies worldwide, health standards and even how we interact with others. While many of us have taken precautions like social distancing and wearing masks, the virus is still spreading.  

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the Covid-19 test, known as the rapid antigen test, is up to 97% effective. The rapid antigen testing is the Covid-19 test that requires the use of swabs. These tests are performed on the nasopharyngeal (upper part of the throat that lies behind the nose) to test for Covid-19 antigens and/or antibodies.

Why are swabs the best way to test for Covid-19? 

Swabs are the least invasive way to test for Covid-19. Reaching the nasopharyngeal is only possible by going through the mouth or the nose. While the test may feel uncomfortable, it is the quickest and least painful way of accurately testing for Covid-19.  


Why is testing for Covid-19 so important? 

Information regarding the symptoms of Covid-19 is readily available to everyone today. So, why is testing still so necessary? Testing helps a patient determine the level of severity of their Covid-19 infection and helps inform the public about the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Without these tests, we have no data and cannot make recommendations to people worldwide to keep themselves and their families safe. 

C & A Scientific is dedicated to improving the health of people worldwide and offers a range of swabs designed for Covid-19 testing. Click here to view C & A’s PPE line.

C & A Scientific is a dedicated leader in improving the health and minds of people worldwide. We supply over 700 award-winning medical and STEM-inspired products to distributors and retailers looking for sensational customer service. Learn more about us and our story here. 

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